Dairy farmers invest a considerable amount of money and effort in fans, sprinklers, shade, and other animal-cooling methods in order to avoid the reduced productivity and well-being that comes from heat...
Muscle and bone health matters at every age. That’s why dairy products are not only an important part of the diet for children as they build muscle and bone density, but also for older adults
In the early 20th century, tuberculosis was a scourge for cattle. However, in recent decades it’s become extremely rare, with ramifications only being felt by a handful of infected herds
The health pandemic induced by the novel coronavirus has upended plans throughout the world, and the agricultural community has not been immune to the situation
After a bitter public battle that even saw one side place billboard messages on major roadways in California’s Central Valley, it appears cooler heads will prevail
This isn't just my work; it's my passion. I recently saw a quote that really struck me and made me think about how lucky we are in the dairy industry. The things you are passionate about are not random,...
Aside from having top tier dairy programs, what do the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Iowa State, Cornell, Virginia Tech, Kansas State and the University of Minnesota have in common? Over the past 26...
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...